Change the wishlist product page button to be an icon and place it next to the add to cart button in product page

Step 1: Change Wishlist Product Page Button to Icon

You can change the wishlist button type from the Apps section in Shopify. Navigate to Wishlist Hero:

Settings Page => Customize Wishlist Appearance => Button Details Block => Define the look and feel of the Wishlist button on your product pages => Choose icon.

Step 2: Change the Wishlist Icon Position

In your Shopify store admin, go to your Online Store > Themes screen, and click on Edit Code for the theme you want.

  1. Go to Online Store > Themes > Edit Code and search for main-product.liquid.

  2. Locate the position of the submit button and add the following <div> code:

    <div class="product-form__item" id="wishlist-hero-product-page-button"></div>
  3. Or use this call:

    {% render 'wishlisthero-collection-product' with product: product, buttonMode:'default', buttonClass:'wishlisthero-quick-view' %}

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