Wishlist Quota

What is the Wishlist Quota Usage and how does it work?

  • It denotes the total number of times any product was added to the Wishlist by your customers during that month.
  • You can view the Quota Usage by going to your app's Dashboard screen.
  • The Quota is reset every month on the first day.
  • Removing a product from a wishlist doesn’t impact the quota.

What happens if my quota is exceeded?

  • Customers will not be able to add and/or view items in their wishlist.
  • We recommend upgrading to a higher quota plan to continue offering the wishlist to your customers this month.

How is the quota calculated?

  • The quota resets on the first day of every month.
  • The quota is for the monthly count of added items to the wishlist, not the overall items added.
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