Change the location of the Add to Wishlist button on my Product page

Online Store 2.0 Themes:

In your Shopify store admin, please go to your online store Themes screen, click to Customize the theme using the Theme Customizer.

Select the relevant Product Template to edit the sections on this page.

Go to add an app block and select the Wishlist Hero app block named Add to wishlist button, then place it where you want the button to show.

Online Store 1.0 themes:

In your Shopify store admin, please go to your online store Themes screen, and go to Edit code of the theme you want.

Go to Themes > Sections and search for the product-template.liquid file. Or just go to Templates > product.liquid

Find the location requested by the customer to add the button, and just add a div with this id: wishlist-hero-product-page-button, like this:

<!-- Wishlist Hero Button -->
<div class="product-form__item" id="wishlist-hero-product-page-button"></div>
<!-- end -->
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