Quick View & Color Swatch ++ by qikify

Quick View + by qikify, easily helps to create your own product preview pop-up with add-to-cart button:

  • Add quick view button on every product item
  • Preview shows product info (product images, description, color swatches, …)
  • Add-to-cart instantly
  • Go to cart or go to checkout immediately
  • Change images according to variants
  1. Add and EDIT the following in `snippets/wishlisthero-styles.liquid` [code lang="js"] [/code]

Quick View + by qikify, easily helps to create your own product preview pop-up with add-to-cart button:

  • Add quick view button on every product item
  • Preview shows product info (product images, description, color swatches, …)
  • Add-to-cart instantly
  • Go to cart or go to checkout immediately
  • Change images according to variants
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