Clean Up My Store After Uninstall

  1. In the layouts folder, remove the WISHLIST_HERO_BKP_theme.liquid file
  2. In the layouts folder, remove this line of code {% render 'wishlisthero-styles.liquid' %} from theme.liquid
  3. In the Snippets folder, remove all files that begin with "wishlisthero". Here are some files that will be there on all installations
  • wishlisthero-custom-button.liquid
  • wishlisthero-header-icon.liquid
  • wishlisthero-collection-product.liquid
  • wishlisthero-styles.liquid
  • or you can find the below 5 files in Snippets, you can also remove them
    • wishlisthero-header-icon.liquid
    • wishlisthero-collection-product.liquid
    • wlh-icon-bookmark-empty.liquid
    • wlh-icon-heart-empty.liquid
    • wlh-icon-star-empty.liquid
    • Header menu customizations – check for "wishlisthero" in header.liquid and remove the code
    • Collections – Find the liquid file where the items in the collections are rendered and search for "wishlisthero" in the code and remove the button
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